Organizational structure

Organizational structure

Faculty Leader
D e a n:Dr. Dra. Siti Nurbaiti, SH., MH
Vice Dean I:Dr. Wahyuni Retnowulandari, SH., MH
Vice Dean II:Dr. Ning Adiasih, SH., MH
Vice Dean III:Dr. H. Aji Wibowo, SH., M.Hum
Vice Dean IV:Dr. Hj. Tri Sulistyowati, SH., MH
Head of the study program S1:Maya Indrasti Notoprayitno, SH. MSi. PhD
Head of the study program S2:Dr. Dhany Rahmawan., SH., MH
Head of the study program S3:Dr. Endang Pandamdari., SH., CN., MH
Assistant Deputy Dean III:Dr. Intan Nevia Cahyana, SH., MH
:Dr. Rahmat Santoso, SH.,MH
:Dr. Wahyudi Siswanto, SH., M.Hum.
Secretary of Study Program S1:Dr. Yulia Fitriliani, SH., MH
Secretary of Study Program S2:Dr. Novina Sri Indiraharti, SH., MH
Secretary of Study Program S3:Dr. Dyah Setyorini, SH., SpN., MH
Parts :
Head of Bag. Business Law:Dr. Sri Bakti Yunari, SH.MH
Head of Bag. Law and Society:Dr. Khairani Bakri, SH, MH
Head of Bag. International law:Dr. Andrey Sujatmoko, SH., MH
Head of Administrative Law Department::Dr. Anda Setiawati, SH.MH
Head of Bag. Constitutional law:Dr. Ninuk Wijiningsih, SH., MH
Head of Bag. Criminal law:Dr. Maria Silvya E. Wangga, SH., MH
Head of Bag. Procedural Law:Dr. Gandes Candra Kirana, SH., MH
Section Secretary
Secretary of Business Law Department:Dian Purnamasari, SH. MH.,PhD
Secretary of Administrative Law Department:Dr. Meta Indah Budhianti, SH. MH
Secretary of Constitutional Law Department:Dr. Reni Dwi Purnomowati, SH. MH
Secretary of Procedural Law Department:Dwi Alfianto, SH., MH
Secretary of Criminal Law Department:Dr. Azmi Syahputra, SH., MH
Secretary of Private Law Department:Dr. Setyaningsih, SH. MH
Secretary of International Law Department:Wildani Angkasari, SH. LLM

Law Laboratory Hukum

Chairman:Dr. Rosdiana Saleh, SH., MH
Secretary:Dr. Dinda Keumala. SH., M.Kn
Chord. of Litigation Issue:Setiyono, SH., MH
Chord. of Non-Litigation Issue:Dr. Intan Nevia Cahyana, SH., MH
Chord. of Public Interest Law Issue:

Study Center

Center for Agrarian Law Studies:Dr. Irene Eka Sihombing, SH., CN., MH.
Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights:Dr. H. Aji Wibowo, SH., MH
Center for Criminal Law Studies:Dr. Maria Silvy E.Wangga, SH.,MH
Center for the Study of Transportation and Telecommunication Law:Prof. Dr. Elfrida Ratnawati Goeltom, SH.,MH.,M.Kn
Center for the Study of Industrial Relations and Labor Protection:Dr. Andari Yurikosari, SH., MH
Center for the Study of Constitutional Law:Ali Ridho, SH.,MH
Center for the Study of Intellectual Property Rights:Dr. Simona Bustani, SH., MH


Head of Administration Division:Dina Fitriana, ST.,MM
Coordinator of Learning Administration Sub Division:Budi Santoso
Head of Assessment Administration Sub Division:Drs. Dartono
Head of Human Resource and Research Administration Sub Division:Danus Subakti, S.Kom
Head of General Affairs Sub Division:Agung Wibowo,
Head of Student and Community Service Administration Sub Division:
Head of  Planning, Public Relations and Cooperation Administration Sub Division:
Head of  Computing Unit:Laras Okty Hanifah, ST
Head of  Library Unit:Kitri Safariningsih, S.Hum
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