

The Faculty of Law as a study program that organizes undergraduate education, was established on November 29, 1965 based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science Number: 013/dar of 1965 concerning the Change of the Name of Res Publica to Trisakti University and the Establishment of a Temporary Presidium for the University, and the Decree Minister of Higher Education and Science Number: 014/dar of 1965 concerning Re-Opening of Res Publica University in Jakarta Now Under the Name of Trisakti University. Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Trisakti University Number: 069/Usakti/SKR/VIII/1986 the Faculty of Law has implemented undergraduate education based on the Semester Credit System (SKS).

The development of the UPPS began with the Accreditation Certificate Number: 00439/AK.I.I/UT-CIHK/VIII/1998 issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia with accreditation rating A (Very Good). Then in 2003 (Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 036/BAN-PT/S1/X/2003) and in 2008 (Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 027/BAN-PT/Ak-XI /S1/X/2008), and in 2013 (Decree of the National Ministry of Higher Education National Accreditation Board Number 227/SK/BAN-PT/AK-XVI/S/XI/2013 dated 9 November 2013) has obtained accreditation with qualification A.

In 2018, through the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education, Ministry of National Education No. 1288/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2018, the Usakti Law Faculty Law Study Program was accredited with an A rating.

The Bachelor of Law Study Program at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, is chaired by Maya Indrasti Notoprayitno, SH., MSi., PhD with secretary Yulia Fitriliani, SH., MH.

There are 8 (eight) sections, each chaired by a Section Head who is assisted by a Section Secretary. Section is a forum for groups of lecturers in one branch of science which is an academic implementing element and also carries out management of academic resources for the development of the branch of science concerned. For students, there are 7 (seven) Specializations which are forums that group students according to their interests, talents and academic abilities, which include:

Specialization I: Business Law

Specialization II: Family Law

Specialization III: Agrarian Law

Specialization IV: Criminal Law

Specialization V: Public International Law

Specialization VI: Procedural Law

Specialization VII: Government Law and Legislation

In ……Faculty of Law Trisakti University has opened a Regular Afternoon Class Program for Undergraduate Law Studies which is specifically for employees who are interested in continuing their studies.

The Evening Class Coordinator is Dr. Dhany Rahmawan, SH., MH and secretary Dr. Novina Sri Indiraharti, SH., MH

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